Tree Preservation Services

Tree preservation is at the core of all the work Arbor Essence performs. The most effective way to protect one’s landscape investment is to involve a licensed and qualified, experienced arborist from the planning to maintenance stages of all projects.

If necessary the team at Arbor Essence also provides comprehensive reports that are easy to understand, and meet the varied requirements of different municipalities for construction permit applications.

We can assist in planning to identify protected trees or candidate trees for preservation. Assess potential developmental impacts to trees. Provide preservation and or mitigations recommendations in relation to proposed development near trees, and monitoring during construction.

Preserving Trees Is About More Than Just Money. It’s Also About Your Peace of Mind.

When it comes to the preservation of your trees, regardless of the size of the project, there’s much more at stake than just the budget. There’s your peace of mind and the long term health of a tree.

People expect trees to live forever, but that’s not always the case. The long term health of your tree may be in the future, but getting your tree there starts today, with solid planning. This is where Abor Essence comes in.

We Provide Generations of Enjoyment, and Enhance Property Value and The Environment

Providing simple, direct and cost-effective horticultural solutions for both commercial and residential properties is the goal of every Arbor Essence project. Founded by Kerry Norman, who has over twenty years experience in arboriculture and ornamental horticulture, the primary function of any arborist is tree preservation.

Kerry founded Arbor Essence on the belief that a landscape that is planned and managed properly from the beginning, can be assured to provide generations of enjoyment, and enhance property value and the environment.

Learn About Each of Our In-depth and Cost-Effective Horticultural Solutions Below

Click on the following services and discover why Arbor Essence is the top choice for residential properties as well as some of the most respected and renown commercial properties in the world.


Landscape Management


Pest and Disease Diagnosis

Site Analysis and Plant Selection

Tree Protection During Construction Projects

Tree Risk Assessment and Management

Have a project you’d like to discuss? Contact Arbor Essence today at (310) 592-1104 or use form below.

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